Now you are ready to bring the data into SPSS. You can open a CSV file in Notepad or a similar text editor to check the format, but don’t just double-click the file or it will be imported straight back into Excel. Once saved, close the Excel document and dismiss any warnings, assuming you already have saved the document in Excel format as a backup. Doing this will save just the current worksheet and the current text formatting of the data, with a comma between each cell value, and with double quote marks around every cell value that itself contains a comma. The most common of these is the Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file, which may be saved with a *.CSV file extension or a *.TXT one.Īn Excel worksheet can be saved in this format using the Save As command and the option “Save as type: CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)”. If so, each line must represents a reading/case/observation, and the variables are delimited (separated) by a tab, comma or other character. Approach 3: Read text data via Comma-Separated Values format Please read Part 2 of this blog post before proceeding, which covers preparing an Excel document and the direct but limited way to import data into SPSS.

Perhaps you just want to open a very large text document that is too big for Excel.

There are many ways to bring your data into IBM SPSS Statistics, for whatever manner of analysis or reorganisation you wish to perform.